Day 75: Frequency of Characters from String of 100DaysCodingChallenge

Hello all, 



Today's my task was to Write a Program to Find the Frequency of every Character from a String using string input taken by the user.

I have started the 100 days of coding challenge to improve my programming skills..

Code : 

    function count( str , outp_map )
      for( let i = 0 ;i < str.length ;i++)
        let k = outp_map.get(str[i]);
        outp_map.set(str[i], k+1) ;
      //calling  print function
    //function create map to count character
    function count_occurs( test , callback )
      //checking string is valid or not 
      if( test.length === 0 )
        console.log(" empty string ");
        return ;
        // map for storing count values
        let ans = new Map();
        for( let i = 0 ;i < test.length;i++)
          ans.set(test[i], 0);
        callback( test ,ans);
    // test string 
    //let test =  "helloworld";
let test = prompt("Enter a String : ");
    count_occurs( test ,count);

Output :     


Happy Coding:)

Thank you...      


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