Day 81: Word Count of a String of 100DaysCodingChallenge
Hello all,
Today's task was to Write a program to count all the words in a given string.
Words must be separated by only one space
Sample Input: hardik kotak
Sample Output: number of words : 2
I have started the 100 days of coding challenge to improve my programming skills..
Code :
//given input string. var OUT = 0; var IN = 1; // returns number of words in str function countWords( str) { var state = OUT; var wc = 0; // word count var i = 0; // Scan all characters one // by one while (i < str.length) { // If next character is a separator, // set the state as OUT if (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\n'|| str[i] == '\t') state = OUT; // If next character is not a word // separator and state is OUT, then // set the state as IN and increment // word count else if (state == OUT) { state = IN; ++wc; } // Move to next character ++i; } return wc; } // Driver program to test above functions //var str = "One two three\n four\tfive "; var str = prompt("Enter a String : ") console.log("No of words : " + countWords(str));
Output :
Happy Coding:)
Thank you...
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